
The purpose of bend_extrude is to replace bend when you have a 2D shape. bend_extrude is faster and doesn't produce jagged edges.

Since: 1.3.


  • size : The size of a square which can contain the target shape.
  • thickness : The thinkness used to extrude the shape.
  • angle : The central angle of the arc shape. The radius of the arc is calculated automatically.
  • frags : Number of fragments. The target shape will be cut into frags fragments and recombined into an arc object. The default value is 24.


The containing square of the target shape should be laid down on the x-y plane. For example.

x = 9.25;
y = 9.55;

%square(size = [x, y]);


Once you have the size of the containing square, you can use it as the size argument of the bend_extrude module.

use <bend_extrude.scad>

x = 9.25;
y = 9.55;

bend_extrude(size = [x, y], thickness = 1, angle = 270) 
