
Returns shape points of an arc shape. They can be used with xxx_extrude modules of dotSCAD. The shape points can be also used with the built-in polygon module.


  • radius : The radius of the circle.
  • angle : A single value or a 2 element vector which defines the central angle. The first element of the vector is the beginning angle in degrees, and the second element is the ending angle.
  • width_mode : The default value is "LINE_CROSS". The arc line will move outward by width / 2 and inward by width / 2. If it's "LINE_OUTWARD", The arc line moves outward by width. The "LINE_INWARD" moves the arc line inward by width.
  • $fa, $fs, $fn : Check the circle module for more details.


use <shape_arc.scad>

shape_pts = shape_arc(radius = 10, angle = [-90, 90], width = 5);


use <shape_arc.scad>
use <path_extrude.scad>
use <bezier_curve.scad>

t_step = 0.05;
width = 2;

shape_pts = shape_arc(radius = 10, angle = [180, 360], width = 5);

p0 = [0, 0, 0];
p1 = [40, 60, 35];
p2 = [-50, 70, 45];
p3 = [20, 150, 55];
p4 = [80, 50, 60];

path_pts = bezier_curve(t_step, 
    [p0, p1, p2, p3, p4]

path_extrude(shape_pts, path_pts);   
